The Apple Room Press *

The Apple Room Press is an independent publishing agency that specialises in the preparation of ePub texts for distribution through Amazon, iTunes, and other online retailers. We also prepare text for print-on-demand services, which enable ePub authors to sell paper-based copies of their work.

Our services include:

  • Creation of validated .epub and .mobi files from Word, OpenOffice, and .html sources
  • Publication to Amazon, iTunes, Barnes & Noble, and other distribution sites
  • Set up of print-on-demand for hard and paper back publication
  • Consultancy and support services

We can also assist with the creation of advertising and marketing campaigns on Amazon, Google, Yahoo, Bing, FaceBook and Twitter.

Every publishing project is different. Some authors want no more than a helping hand, others need an end-to-end service. Real communication is better than lots of promise-everything website text so please give us a call on 01273 90 6654 or email with an outline of your requirements.

Our currently featured publication is:
Beyond Reason: Knowledge, Religion and Science in The West by David Hopson

We are based in the room where apples from local farms were juiced for making cider.
People have been extracting the good stuff here since Roman times.